ExecCollections: Robert Adcox - Channel Expert

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Robert Adcox

Channel Expert
Robert Adcox has worked within The Channel for more than ten years as a Solutions Architect and Systems Engineer, excelling in manufacturing, healthcare, oil and gas, logistics, and warehousing facilities. After meeting Robert, you'll learn he's proficient in enterprise mobility, barcodes, Wi-Fi, printer support, and troubleshooting. Adcox holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of North Texas and continues to network with individuals in our space. 

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If you know me, you will also see that I travel a lot. The backpack symbolizes my love for travel and passion for exploring known and unknown territory. Whether I’m on a journey for work or pleasure, cherished memories are abundant. Back in the day, when maps were only made of paper (and just folding it back up took a college-level education), I proudly took on the position of navigator for my dad on our family vacations. I learned quickly that the dotted line along the route on a map designates a “scenic byway.” As a navigator on those family outings, I had the advantage of steering my dad along those dotted, beautiful paths. This leads me to my first Robism, “Always take the dotted line. You won’t regret it.”

What is a Robism, you ask? These little nuggets of wisdom I’ve collected or created over the years help shape my view of the world and how I interact with everyone and everything I encounter.


Star Wars Luggage Tag

A keen eye will also notice my Star Wars luggage tag hanging from my backpack. This represents my love of Star Wars and all things Sci-Fi. I’m grateful to be of the generation fortunate to have seen the first Star Wars film in the theater in 1977. As the oldest child and grandchild, I had every family member take me to see Star Wars as a youngling countless times! I’m open-minded and appreciate all forms of fantasy/sci-fi, including Star Trek, Godzilla, Lord of the Rings, and many others. If the word “Nerd” comes to mind, I take it as a compliment!

JBL Flip 5 Bluetooth Speaker

My JBL Flip 5 Bluetooth speaker exemplifies my love of music. Rarely am I in the car or at home without music playing somewhere. Thanks to my parents, my childhood was filled with music. Mom danced and sang along with her favorites, Latin, Pop, Disco, and Crooners, while Dad enjoyed Country, Gospel, and Singer-Songwriters. From a very early age, I sang and have continued to do so my whole life. I am proud to have been head of the bass section in my church choir, and I enjoy singing karaoke with friends. I’m often on the road for work, and the odds are high that if you drove past me, I’d be singing the time away.

Shadowbox with Patches

Since I hinted at my creative side with my singing, the shadow box of patches embodies my artistic side. I come from a very artistic family; hence, I have a deep passion for drawing, painting, and creating with whatever I have available. I’m the oldest of four siblings. Much to my mother’s chagrin, as a youngster, I would pull the toybox out of the way so my siblings and I could draw on the wall. This began my desire to express myself through art very early on. My son’s Boy Scout Troop asked me to design a patch for the troop several years ago, and I readily agreed. From there, the word spread, and all the designs you see here are just one year’s worth of creations for the Boy Scouts. My Apollo 11 - 50th Anniversary patch set received high distinction from artists and patch enthusiasts.

Space is by far one of my most significant interests. Learning about Space, mankind’s venture into the Heavens, and the massive amount of science about it fascinates me. I was thrilled to attend the Kennedy Space Center recently with BlueStar’s Vartech. From the first Shuttle launch in 1980 and witnessing the Challenger and Columbia disasters live, I’ve been captivated by the Space Shuttle program. Viewing the Atlantis Shuttle exhibit in all its glory and observing a SpaceX launch live were significant bucket list items for this Space fanboy.

Canon T2i Camera

Little excites me more than experiencing the wonders of this world, and second to that is the ability to capture them perfectly in a photograph. As an avid explorer, the camera signifies my affection for photography. I purchased this Canon T2i when my son was a newborn, and he is now in his third year at Texas A&M University.

This camera has witnessed everything from childhood firsts to National Parks to Once-in-a-lifetime events. My professional photographer sister taught me the basics of SLR cameras. That knowledge and my efforts at capturing a precise frozen moment in time have given way to a hobby I love sharing with others. The fruits of my labor were realized last year during an art exhibition that featured my siblings and me. That was a first and an honor to be on display with the talents of real artists like my siblings.

One of my aspirations is to become good at taking astrophotography pictures, which melds my love of space and photography. This past April, I had the fortune of setting up directly in the path of the Solar Eclipse that crossed over Texas. I was surprised even with how well the photos turned out.

National Parks Book

The book of National Parks represents my love of the outdoors. Another facet of my personality is that I love the outdoors—some like the beach, some like the mountains, and others like their local parks. I can say I love all of those, plus so much more. I stop and feel nature amongst the trees in the forest, listen to the birds, or watch the squirrel struggle to get seeds from a birdfeeder. Anything that takes me out of my house and into God’s wondrous creation is worth my time and attention.

The National Parks are easily my favorite places to explore whenever possible. I’ve been to 30 National Parks and counting. I would like to see them all one day, but I know that is a lofty goal. I know it makes people giggle when they hear the phrase “Nature Calls.” I feel it’s more of a whisper or nudge to go outside and see something new if I have my camera, which I usually do, all the better.


Hiking Pole

The hiking pole epitomizes my love of hiking and pushing myself to new heights. Three years ago, my son asked if I would join him and others on their hiking adventure to Philmont Scout Ranch. This is a primitive 12-day trek that covers over 100 miles in the New Mexico mountains. This journey means filtering your water, carrying and cooking your food, washing your clothes in a stream, and packing everything you need to survive on your back. This was by far one of the most challenging adventures in my life! I learned that I am capable of more than I ever thought. I’m not afraid to try new things, and I believe the memories are worth the tribulation. More than just hiking, I aspire to go beyond my limits to learn something new every day. Imagine drawing a circle on a whiteboard with a marker. Everything in the circle is every single thing you know! The Space outside the circle is all that you don’t know. The Circle line itself is everything you know you don’t know. Robism – “Try to expand your Circle every day.” 



My sunglasses represent me outside, helping others accomplish just about anything. Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun and help you focus on the task. Robism – “Take care of your eyes, and they will take care of you.” I expand this to my friends, family, church, and other honorable organizations. Growing up, I was in Boy Scouts. The lessons and leadership I learned in that program were invaluable to my life.

Along with a strong sense of family, I lend my time and energy to help others whenever possible. I have a giving heart, and because of that, helping others is second nature. Some examples of my time well spent were on youth mission trips, as a Boy Scout Leader, organizing a dad’s mentoring program in my kid’s elementary school, photographer for band and ballet, and many more. I had the benefit of taking a servant leadership class years ago and learned so much about myself and how I want to serve others. I was made to share my identity with others as often as possible. Maybe that’s why working with people comes easy to me. Perhaps that’s why I’m not afraid of talking with strangers.

That leads me to share my thoughts on parting with you. Robism: “Just show up, and good things will happen!” This has proven accurate time and time again. In this world of remote workers and webinar calls, something must be said about showing up in person and working on a problem. My last words to leave you are just as important, especially for my career and future. Robism: “Out support your competition!”


ExecCollections is a BlueStar series that explores the everyday essentials of channel executives. It gives us insight into the 5-to-9 lives of the people making things happen in our industry.
Sam Kalany
Digital Media Specialist + Copywriter

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